A hearing was held in Sacramento at the January meeting of the Board of Governors (BOG). This was the first reading of the Distance Education Title 5 Regulation board item. The second reading will be heard in March of this year. It is hopeful that the revisions will be adopted by June 1998. A public hearing was also held to hear comments regarding the regulation changes. Henry Burnett, representing The Association of California Community College Administrators, presented comments to the Board in support of the revisions, as did Bill Scroggins, Statewide President of the Academic Senate. The following excerpt is from the Distance Education Title 5 Regulation board item of the Board of Governors California Community Colleges January 12-13, 1998 Issue The recommended changes are required to evaluate distance education programs throughout the system completely and accurately. The recommendations are supported by a significant number of community college organizations and have been reviewed through the Consultation Process. One of the recommended changes addresses a substantial and critical issue for the California Community College system: the relationship between the student and faculty, and how effective it is to deliver education at a distance without regular personal contact. This aspect of the regulations has been the most debated and contested component of the changes during the evaluation period. A true and accurate evaluation of distance education cannot be conducted under the current regulations. The DETAC is promoting the revisions to enable faculty to choose the most effective method to deliver instruction to students at a distance. The proposed removal of the regular personal contact requirement from credit transferable courses will provide the system and committee with the appropriate data to evaluate the effectiveness of a variety of faculty-student contact models for the remainder of the evaluation period. Other proposed recommendations for changes to the regulations and guidelines address the extension of the evaluation period, separate course approval, and the submittal of reports to District Board of Trustees and the Chancellors Office. Background
Title 5 regulations currently require that each district offering distance education courses report annually to their board of trustees and submit a copy to the Chancellors Office on July 1 (Section 55317 (b)). The regulations also require that courses offered for transfer require instructor and student to have regular personal contact (Section 55376 (a) and (b) and related guidelines). Sections 55316.5, Additional Courses, and 55317 (c), Ongoing Responsibilities of Districts, are to become inoperative on July 1, 2000, unless a later adopted regulation deletes or extends this date. Recommended changes would extend the date by 18 months to January 1, 2002. Section 55378, Separate Course Approval, would require review of courses with specific emphasis on regular effective contact between instructor and student. Three public meetings were convened in November 1997 to allow public comment in support or opposition by individuals, in person, via facsimile, e-mail or regular postal service. The meetings were held in Oakland, Los Angeles, and Sacramento. |