Technology II Project UPDATE As a strategy to document the need for significant CCC technology funding for inclusion in the May revise of the Governor's budget, there will be two phases to Technology II planning. The first phase is to determine the current status of the technology need at your college and within the system through the collection and analysis of local information. Colleges can use the Telecommunication and Technology Infrastructure Program (TTIP) funds ($25,000 to each college and $9,700 to each funded district) for the planning and collection of the requested data. Upon completion of Technology II planning, colleges may apply any portion of these unused TTIP funds toward improving the technology program at your district/college. The California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office has scheduled the Technology II - Phase One implementation workshops for February 13 &15, 2001 and video conferences for Feb.26 & 27, 2001. The workshop should provide guidance to administrators and staff involved with Phase One planning. Phase One planning tools can be reviewed online at: http://www.cccco.edu/cccco/esed/irt/tnt/TechII/guidelines.htm Source: @ONE eNews |