College Telecommunications Plans Mini-Grants College of the Redwoods
The objective of this project is to develop a comprehensive, districtwide, telecommunications plan that will inventory the Redwoods Community College District's current capability and provide strategies to implement future technological development. The District serves an extremely large geographic area (5,890 square miles), and the optimum use of technology is critical for the District to effectively serve its widely dispersed students in the changing cultural, economic, and technological environment. A comprehensive plan will identify the infrastructure necessary to connect all areas to those where technology applications currently exist. Once these connections are in place, the District can reach beyond the traditional boundaries to deliver and support educational services to the community and add additional elements to strengthen those areas currently lacking technology. The development of this plan will be concurrently used in the District's preparation of a comprehensive educational master plan and a facilities master plan. It will also be implemented as part of the design for a new $10.8 million main library/educational media center for its Eureka campus.