TTIP Revised Facsimile Specifications for Library Technology and Electronic Resources Initiatives The Library Technology and Electronic Resources Ad Hoc Committee agreed upon a Group 4 (G4) comparability standard for library facsimile machines. This standard had also been adopted by the California State University system. In response to concerns and inquiries regarding the G4 standard, the facsimile standard has been revised from a Group 4 to a Group 3 (G3). Facsimiles with these specifications range from $2,600 to $4,000. Specifications for the G3 standard can be found below. The Department of General Services has a master service contract agreement for facsimile equipment, and colleges may purchase off of this contract (#4-96-00-0009-A 7/1/97 through 8/31/98). Contact information will be placed on both the "ccc-lib-lrc-list@cerritos.edu" and "ccc-tutoring-lac-list@cerritos.edu. (click here for more information on CCCCO mailing lists)