Technology Standards Recommended For Libraries and Learning Resources
The Technology and Telecommunications Ad Hoc Committee of the Library and Learning Resources Programs have recommended technology standards to improve the accessibility and quality of the college systems Library and Learning Resources Programs. The recommended technology standards are an expansion of the initial recommendations included in the systemwide Telecommunications Technology Infrastructure Program. This program was funded by the 1996 State Budget Act. The program calls for: (1) acquisition and installation of equipment, lease of communications lines, software and other costs associated with connecting to 4CNet; (2) local telecommunication planning and the development and expansion of local area networks, including satellite systems components; (3) local planning and development for improving library technology, including connections to local area networks; (4) planning and development of district wide area networks for interconnecting multiple campuses and off-campus centers with a district; (5) development, implementation, and or evaluation of local technology applications for student learning and instruction, students, and administration services; (6) Human Resources Training Center for faculty, students, and staff; and (7) testing of application pilots in instructional services, student services, and administrative services. In its first year of implementation, the system's efforts were to link all community colleges in three modes: (1) data via connection to 4CNet; (2) video-conferencing at each college and district; and (3) dual satellite downlink capacity (digital/analog/C-Ku Band) for each college and district. Local planning and development for improving library technology, including connections to local area networks, is mandated for year two of the telecommunications program funding. According to the Library Technology Ad Hoc Committee, the primary focus of the library and learning resources technology and electronic resources initiatives are to provide faculty and student access to the resources in the college systems libraries and learning resources programs. The 1997-98 State Budget Act allocated approximately $3.3 million for the initial phase of the project. Based on the results of the Library and Learning Resources Automation Survey administered in August 1997, the preliminary standards adopted in the Fall of 1996, and national information industry standards to access and retrieve information, the Technology and Telecommunications Ad Hoc Committee of Library and Learning Resources Programs recommended required and optional standards for the college systems libraries. Required Areas:
Optional Areas: When a college has met the three required initiatives, the telecommunications funds may be spent in any of four optional library areas.