As the individual recently hired for the position of Editor and Web Site Technician for the TIPS (Technology Infrastructure Program Statewide) newsletter/web site, I want to introduce myself to those of you who are either involved in 4CNet and related projects or otherwise interested in their progress and applications. I am located in the Media and Distance Learning Department at Butte Community College near Oroville, in the northeastern region of the Sacramento Valley. It is with great excitement that I come into this newly created position of TIPS Newsletter/Web Page Technician. I am anxious to combine my skills in web site design and page layout with my interest in the Internet and distance education, and I would welcome any feedback, questions, or comments as the project grows.
Welcome to the first edition of the TIPS newsletter! This monthly newsletter and a corresponding web site (http://www.tipsnews.org) are projects funded as a part of the $2,493,000 two-year grant awarded by the California Community College Chancellor's Office (CCCCO) to Butte Community College for coordination of 4CNet, a statewide Internet upgrade project. The purpose of the newsletter and web site is to provide both a hard copy and an online resource which will disseminate information on the progress of the upgrade and other CCCCO projects. Materials for upcoming editions should be submitted to the Editor no later than the 15th of each month. Submissions: |